Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: August 2010

About Tradeloop

My photo
We are the largest B2B marketplace for computer brokers, computer leasing companies, used computer wholesalers, third party maintainers and self-maintainers, who trade wholesale computer lots of used & surplus computers, bulk electronics, and hard-to-find used computer parts.

Promote Yourself

Does your company have a story that might interest our membership?

Let us know and you may see your name in print. We're looking for members to write case studies on. Contact us here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Modify Your Company Description to Add Rich Text & Formatting

A complete company description on Tradeloop increases your credibility with other dealers and your visibility to search engines. With the new Rich Text Formatting (RTF) option, you can now make your company decription more visually appealing as well.

The RTF options let you format your description using:
  • Bold text
  • Italics
  • Underlining
  • Ordered and unordered lists
  • Text colors
  • And more....
Here's how the new Company Description text box appears when you edit/update your Member Profile:

The RTF options let you format your description using:
  • Bold text
  • Italics
  • Underlining
  • Ordered and unordered lists
  • Text colors
  • And more....
Consider the display differences between these two profiles:
JJ Smith & Associates is a leading global supplier of refurbished equipment, off-lease IT hardware, and technical services. We're headquartered in Nashville, TN and specialize in products from leading OEMs including Sun, Cisco, HP, Nortel, Lucent, and EMC. We maintain an in-stock inventory averaging more than $20 million and offer same-day shipping on most orders. Contact us today for pricing and information or visit our Web site at
This version is much easier to read with formatting added:
JJ Smith & Associates is a leading global supplier of refurbished equipment, off-lease IT hardware, and technical services. We're headquartered in Nashville, TN and specialize in products from leading OEMs including:
  • Sun
  • Cisco
  • HP
  • Nortel
  • Lucent
  • EMC.
We maintain an in-stock inventory averaging more than $20 million and offer free, same-day shipping on most orders. Contact us today for pricing and information or visit our Web site at
Read more tips on how to create a good company description and then consider updating your company description information to make it more useful to other dealers and search engines. Edit your account information at your Edit Profiles page.

Have you tried the new formatting options? What do you think? Share your opinion here at the member blog.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Expand/Collapse Feature Added To Broadcast Page

The Broadcast page has a new option that allows you to quickly scan just the titles of Broadcasts or display all the content of each post. Use the "Show Full Text" checkbox to toggle the display on and off.

In the example image below, the checkbox and text are underlined in red:

Check the box to read the content of each Broadcast and uncheck the box to return to the default page display, which is a list of Broadcast titles.

The Broadcast section is one of the most active parts of Tradeloop: members are constantly posting both public and members only Broadcasts. Looking for a specific item? You can search the Broadcasts using the search box at the top of the page.

Remember though: we offer other tools and reports that also help you find the products you need quickly and easily:
We're continually upgrading the Tradeloop site and adding new features - often in response to suggestions from members. Share your ideas with us and other members here at the blog or contact Customer Service.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Use The Ethics Process - Not Broadcasts - To Resolve Disputes

Last week, we had several incidents where Tradeloop members used the Broadcast system to disparage other members. This is a serious violation of our terms of service, so we want to remind everyone about the procedures in place to help resolve disputes and alert the community to fraud: the Ethics process and Fast Track Fraud Alerts.

Tradeloop's Ethics process is governed by our all-volunteer Ethics committee. They're a group of industry veterans who work with the parties involved in a dispute to help resolve it amicably. When that's not possible, the committee may take actions ranging from issuing a warning to banning a company from Tradeloop.

Members are required to participate in the Ethics process as a condition of their Tradeloop membership. Our committee members and staffers work hard to keep the process fair, transparent, and speedy. Once cases are resolved, members can review the details of posted cases and offer their own comments at the Ethics blog.

Until a case is decided and posted though, we keep the information private to protect the privacy and reputations of those involved. That's why we can't allow members to bypass the Ethics committee and use the Broadcast system to distribute disparaging information: it's not fair to the other company involved.

Fast Track Fraud Alerts are used to quickly warn the community when we get information that someone may be trying to defraud members - such as a case of identity theft. That situation is quite different than a dispute between two members over contract terms or product quality. Members submit Fraud Alert requests, which are reviewed by the Ethics committee before a warning message is sent.

We encourage everyone to use the Fast Track Fraud Alert form if they suspect fraud and to use the Ethics process to get help resolving a business dispute with another dealer.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Changes to the "Send a Broadcast" Page

We've changed two settings on the "Send a Broadcast" page to make it easier to send a Broadcast message.

Previously, many Tradeloop members created custom Broadcast signatures and used them on every Broadcast - IF they remembered to check the "Use Signature" box. So a member suggested a small modification: "Why not use the signature by default and ask members to unclick the check box if they don't want to include it?"

So we did. Now, when you send a Broadcast, the system will remember your signature settings and use them as the default on your next Broadcast.

Members will see another change on that same page as well. Only Trial Members have to click the checkbox to agree to the Broadcast terms:
This broadcast is not intended to solicit employees from other Tradeloop members. This broadcast is not offensive, harmful, or disparaging to anyone in any way.
Tradeloop members have already agreed to these terms as a condition of membership, so asking them to agree over and over was redundant.

We get many ideas for new features and site improvements from the Tradeloop community, so please keep sharing your ideas and concerns with us. Contact Customer Service with your suggestion or post it here for discussion at the member blog.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Search Box Added to Member Dashboard

Last week, we asked Tradeloop members to comment on the new Member Dashboard and offer their comments and suggestions. You did and we've responded by adding a search box to the page.

One of our Pro members suggested the change, noting: "I want to be able to search for product. The search bar needs to be front and center." Here's the new layout:

All other functions on the page remain the same: you can complete your member profile, watch a training video, make Connections, and more. Are there other additions or modifications that you think would make the dashboard more useful? Please share your suggestions with us.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let Search Engines Index Your Retail Inventory Listings

Use Tradeloop's End User program to expand your retail customer base and increase your company's visibility to online searchers. The program gives our wholesale dealers a way to market their products to end users at retail prices. With the End User program, you can post your retail stock lists for sale to end users and receive sales leads from public users.

As an added benefit, Google and other search engines index your retail inventory listings so they display in search results. This helps you promote your products to anyone searching the Internet - not just those searching at Tradeloop.

The End User program is available to all Tradeloop wholesale members and set-up is free. You only pay when a searcher clicks on your listing and visits your profile. Learn more about the End User program's options, features, and benefits:
Remember: end users can only search inventory that's listed as part of Tradeloop's End User program; they never see wholesale prices. The End User program is a way to market your products to end users and retail prices without eroding the value of your wholesale pricing. At the same time, it increases your company's online presence. What a deal!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Receive Tradeloop Broadcasts Via RSS Feeds

Most Tradeloop members subscribe to Broadcasts and have the information delivered to their email inboxes. Did you know that Tradeloop offers another option? RSS feeds. They're an easy way to quickly scroll through Broadcasts without opening your email client.

To subscribe to our Broadcast RSS feed, click on the Broadcast tab in the top navigation bar. The RSS feed links are in the left navigation bar. You can subscribe just to Public Broadcasts, Dealer Broadcasts, or all Tradeloop Broadcasts.

Click on the link for the Broadcasts you'd like to subscribe to and choose your RSS feed reader:

Note: if you aren't already using RSS feeds, you may have to install a plug-in for your browser or another application. Just search for "RSS feed readers" to find the one that works best for your needs.

Are you already using RSS to receive Broadcast information? Share your opinions here at the member blog.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Learn More About Your Account Status With the Member Dashboard

Tradeloop's "Member Dashboard" is a new tool that helps you get maximum value from your membership. Each time you log into your Tradeloop account, you'll see your personalized Member Dashboard automatically. It displays your account status at a glance:
Here's a screen shot:

There's even a short training video to help new members learn about Tradeloop. Long-time members might enjoy it too. The video describes many of our tools and options that help you manage your account, watch the market, and connect with other buyers and sellers. It's a quick reminder about features that are automatically included with your Tradeloop membership.

Are there any additional features you'd like to see on this page? Please send your comments (good or bad!) to Customer Service or share them here at the member blog.