Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: The Best Broadcasting System Just Got Better

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We are the largest B2B marketplace for computer brokers, computer leasing companies, used computer wholesalers, third party maintainers and self-maintainers, who trade wholesale computer lots of used & surplus computers, bulk electronics, and hard-to-find used computer parts.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Best Broadcasting System Just Got Better

Get more control over your email inbox. Enhanced Broadcast filters - Tradeloop's newest system upgrade - save you time by delivering more relevant, targeted leads directly to your email on the schedule you select.

Tradeloop members can set their own filters to completely customize your digest - instead of wading through a list of all the Broadcasts. Use our new "mix and match" filter options to set your preferences based on:
  • Manufacturer
  • Geographic Region
  • Product Keywords (ie "Lexmark printer")
  • Want to Sell or Want to Buy
  • Broadcast Type
  • And more….
You can also tell the Broadcast system you're on vacation and set a return date. This stops Broadcast delivery to you until the morning of your return date. It doesn't affect your Tradeloop membership, parts lists, or any other option pertaining to your account.

We transferred everyone's existing Broadcast settings into the new system, so no member is required to make any changes. However, this new tool offers so much power and flexibility that we strongly recommend you try it out.

You can edit or delete your filters at any time. We even give you the option to make a filter "inactive." That's useful for specific items you need on a sporadic basis. You can receive Broadcasts only when you're actively watching the market for that item.

Learn more about the new Broadcast filters at the Broadcast Filter FAQ page.

Back in December, we asked members what they wanted from the Broadcast system. Well, here it is. Tell us what you think! Post your comments and suggestions here at Tradeloop's member blog.

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