Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: September 2010

About Tradeloop

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We are the largest B2B marketplace for computer brokers, computer leasing companies, used computer wholesalers, third party maintainers and self-maintainers, who trade wholesale computer lots of used & surplus computers, bulk electronics, and hard-to-find used computer parts.

Promote Yourself

Does your company have a story that might interest our membership?

Let us know and you may see your name in print. We're looking for members to write case studies on. Contact us here.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Create A Private Broadcast List At Tradeloop

Send your Broadcasts to just your Trusted Network or even to individual dealers within your network with the new Broadcast option at Tradeloop. Use the "Send to My Network Only" option at the top of the "Send a Broadcast" page:

You can even send your Broadcast just to individuals in your Network. The Broadcast preview page lists all the members of your Network. Leave all boxes unchecked to send the Broadcast to your entire Network or click the checkbox to exclude one or more members.

For instance if your Broadcast is a WTB for a Dell part and some members of your Network only handle Compaq, you can check the boxes next to those names and exclude them from the Broadcast.

This new option is just one benefit of our new Connections system at Tradeloop. Have you started making Connections and creating your own trusted network of dealers? Now is the time to start: just ten approved Connections automatically enters you in our drawing for a free iPad!

Learn more at our official iPad Contest page or go directly to the Dealer Directory and start making Connections.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Free iPad Is Going To A Tradeloop User. Could It Be You?

There's still time to win a free iPad from Tradeloop! Just make 10 approved Connections and get started creating your own Trusted Network of dealers within the Tradeloop community. That's all you have to do - no forms to fill out, no emails required, and no purchase necessary. When we draw for the iPad, anyone with 10 approved Connections is automatically entered to win.

Here's how:
  1. From the Dealer Directory, search for individuals or companies you'd like to add to your Trusted Network.
  2. Go to the person's profile page and click on the "Add name to your Network" link.
  3. That link takes you to the "Request Connection" page where you can type a short personal invitation.

  4. The Manage Connections link on your Tradeloop Account Home page displays the status of your network: who's Connected, who's invited you to join their networks, and invitations you've sent.
Learn more at our official iPad Contest page or go directly to the Dealer Directory and start making Connections.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Show Broadcasts From Just Your Trusted Network

Customize Tradeloop to show Broadcasts just from your Network and use the drill-down options to filter the results by message type, keywords, and geography. We've made it easy to search directly from the sidebar on the Broadcast page.

With just a few clicks, you can review all "Compaq WTS Broadcasts sent by your Trusted Network members in Europe" - or any other combination of search variables.

Here's a screenshot of the new side navigation bar on the Broadcast page.

My Network Only: Click on this link to view all Broadcasts from your Trusted Network. Then, use the options below to refine your search.

It's easy to start a new search: just click on the "Clear Filter" link at the top of the results lists.

We've made these search enhancements in response to Tradeloop member suggestions and comments. Tell us what you think about them here at the member blog.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Broadcast Keywords - Share Your Suggestions!

Look for two new keywords when you send your next Tradeloop Broadcast. "Apple" and "Processors" are now Broadcast list options you can subscribe to - or send to.

We've changed the Broadcast system so we can easily add new keywords and we'll be adding even more over time. But we'd like some member input first. What new keywords would you like to see?

Share your opinions and suggestions with us here at the Tradeloop member blog.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Please Congratulate These Five-Year Members

Please join us as as we congratulate these Tradeloop members who have been part of the trading community for 5 years or longer. Many have donated time to our all-volunteer Ethics Committee or provided other services to the community. All are valued members and we thank them for their commitment to Tradeloop.

September 1998
September 1999
September 2000
September 2001
September 2002
September 2003
September 2004
September 2005
Do you have colleagues who haven't joined Tradeloop yet? Invite them to try out a 90-day membership through our "Refer a Friend" program. We'll give you a free month at Tradeloop for each person you refer who registers for a trial membership. Get started here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Broadcast Just To Your Trusted Network On Tradeloop

Use Tradeloop's new "Send to My Network" Broadcast option to send your Broadcasts to the entire Tradeloop community or just to the trusted network you built using Tradeloop's Connections system.

The new Broadcast option is at the top of the "Send a Broadcast" page. Select the "Send to My Network only" radio button or scroll down on the page to select relevant subscriber lists for your Broadcast. You can even manage your connections from the Broadcast page. Just click on the "My Network only" link to view your approved Connections and view pending Connections.

Here's a screen shot from the Broadcast page:

Note that when you send a Broadcast to just your network, the message is only visible to people in your network!

You can even send messages just to individual members of your network. Once you enter your Broadcast text and go to the "Preview Broadcast" page, you'll see a list of your network members. By default, the Broadcast goes to all your network members, but you can exclude one or more members by checking the "Exclude" checkbox next to their name.

Now is the time to be making connections within Tradeloop and expanding your dealer network. If you make 10 approved connections before October 1, you could win a free iPad (get more details about the contest and the system's privacy options).

The Connections system lets you build your own network of trusted dealers and even restrict your Broadcast messages to just your network. Start building your network today.