Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Broadcast Just To Your Trusted Network On Tradeloop

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Broadcast Just To Your Trusted Network On Tradeloop

Use Tradeloop's new "Send to My Network" Broadcast option to send your Broadcasts to the entire Tradeloop community or just to the trusted network you built using Tradeloop's Connections system.

The new Broadcast option is at the top of the "Send a Broadcast" page. Select the "Send to My Network only" radio button or scroll down on the page to select relevant subscriber lists for your Broadcast. You can even manage your connections from the Broadcast page. Just click on the "My Network only" link to view your approved Connections and view pending Connections.

Here's a screen shot from the Broadcast page:

Note that when you send a Broadcast to just your network, the message is only visible to people in your network!

You can even send messages just to individual members of your network. Once you enter your Broadcast text and go to the "Preview Broadcast" page, you'll see a list of your network members. By default, the Broadcast goes to all your network members, but you can exclude one or more members by checking the "Exclude" checkbox next to their name.

Now is the time to be making connections within Tradeloop and expanding your dealer network. If you make 10 approved connections before October 1, you could win a free iPad (get more details about the contest and the system's privacy options).

The Connections system lets you build your own network of trusted dealers and even restrict your Broadcast messages to just your network. Start building your network today.

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