Previously, many Tradeloop members created custom Broadcast signatures and used them on every Broadcast - IF they remembered to check the "Use Signature" box. So a member suggested a small modification: "Why not use the signature by default and ask members to unclick the check box if they don't want to include it?"
So we did. Now, when you send a Broadcast, the system will remember your signature settings and use them as the default on your next Broadcast.
Members will see another change on that same page as well. Only Trial Members have to click the checkbox to agree to the Broadcast terms:
This broadcast is not intended to solicit employees from other Tradeloop members. This broadcast is not offensive, harmful, or disparaging to anyone in any way.Tradeloop members have already agreed to these terms as a condition of membership, so asking them to agree over and over was redundant.
We get many ideas for new features and site improvements from the Tradeloop community, so please keep sharing your ideas and concerns with us. Contact Customer Service with your suggestion or post it here for discussion at the member blog.
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