Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Ethically Speaking - January 2010

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Ethically Speaking - January 2010

December was a relatively quiet month for Ethics complaints. Two cases were closed with no action taken and one case was referred to the Ethics Committee for a vote.

The case in committee is unusual in that it involves two Tradeloop members. The complainant alleges that the defendant did not fulfill the terms of the purchase agreement and failed to make a full refund. The Ethics Committee is reviewing and discussing the case.

You can learn more about how the Ethics process works or review details of closed cases at Tradeloop's Ethics area. Our unique blog format makes the process as interactive and transparent as possible - while still maintaining the privacy of those involved in pending cases.

The blog format allows Tradeloop members to read posted case details as presented by the complainant and defendant. You can also review the Ethics Committee discussions and votes. There's even a tab for Members to add their comments and opinions.

Since implementing the Ethics blog in June 2008, we've found that many disputes are resolved by the parties involved - often without the intervention of the Ethics Committee. The blog make communication easier and that helps resolve disputes amicably.

This is part of our commitment to keeping Tradeloop a safe place to do business as well as maintaining a cohesive trading community built on communication and professional behavior.

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