Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Why Did We Approve That Tradeloop Member? See For Yourself.

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We are the largest B2B marketplace for computer brokers, computer leasing companies, used computer wholesalers, third party maintainers and self-maintainers, who trade wholesale computer lots of used & surplus computers, bulk electronics, and hard-to-find used computer parts.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Did We Approve That Tradeloop Member? See For Yourself.

Do you ever wonder why we approved a company? Now you can see for yourself, right on the Company Profile page. Members can review our notes, see what information we evaluated, and why we approved an account.

Look for the link in the System Stats section on the Company Profile page as shown here. Click on the link to view the company's "Membership Approval" page:

A transparent process helps members make informed business decisions, perform due diligence when dealing with new customers, suppliers, or set up a Trusted Network using our Connections system. At Tradeloop, we take fraud seriously - from account approval to complaint resolution with our Ethics Committee.

We tested this system first with our volunteer Ethics Committee and they responded with enthusiasm:
Youngin Kim, EJ Tech Solutions: "This will really help us squash fraud. I think every Tradeloop member should have access to the information."

Benjamin Ingwersen, Frontier Computer Corporation: "This will help us address scammer and counterfeit issues head on."

Mike Van Scoy, MSRC Co.: "With as much fraud as currently exists in the secondary market, this will help a lot. I'll definitely be checking other companies to see how they were approved."
Will you use this information when you're setting up deals? Check it out and share your opinion here at the Tradeloop member blog.

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