Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Saved Search Email Alerts Easier To Identify

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We are the largest B2B marketplace for computer brokers, computer leasing companies, used computer wholesalers, third party maintainers and self-maintainers, who trade wholesale computer lots of used & surplus computers, bulk electronics, and hard-to-find used computer parts.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Saved Search Email Alerts Easier To Identify

We've tweaked the Saved Search email function to make it easier to identify and scan Saved Search email alerts.

Previously, the "From" email address was Tradeloop Customer Service. We changed it to read "Tradeloop Saved Search." That makes the email's purpose more clear and also allows you to set up an email filter to route Saved Search alerts to a designated folder.

This is a small change, but most members say they welcome any tool that helps them manage their overloaded email inboxes. A 2008 New York Times article estimated that United States businesses lost $650 billion in productivity due to worker interruptions from email and other distractions. We can help with that problem! Use these Tradeloop member tools to manage your time more efficiently:
We frequently roll out new tools and features to make Tradeloop a more valuable business resource for members. Watch the member blog for new announcements!

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