Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Ethically Speaking - December 2008

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ethically Speaking - December 2008

Tradeloop banned two non-member companies during the past month, and the Ethics Committee closed two cases between Tradeloop members by deciding to post the cases so Tradeloop members could review the details themselves (Case #4998 and Case #4992).

These cases resulted in the defendant being banned from Tradeloop:
  • Case #4995: This transaction occurred on another Web site. The defendant in this case had his Tradeloop account suspended (but not banned) in 2002.
  • Case #4993: The defendant refused to honor a purchase order and complete delivery.
In Case #5001, the Tradeloop member thought he was dealing with another Tradeloop member. In fact, the defendant in the case was actually a registered user, not a Tradeloop member. As we noted in this previous post, we've taken steps to clearly identify non-members who have a Tradeloop profile.

There were no new Ethics complaints filed during the past month and none are in committee. Tradeloop staffers and the Ethics committee have done an outstanding job investigating and resolving disputes. The Ethics Blog format facilitates communication and the new voting deadline policy encourages timely resolution of disputes.

For more information about Ethics complaints and cases, visit the Tradeloop Ethics Blog. Remember that the blog format gives members an opportunity to review and even comment on posted cases.

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