Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Ethically Speaking - July 2009

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Ethically Speaking - July 2009

June was a quiet month for the Ethics Committee, with no new cases filed during the month. Two cases are currently in the review and information gathering-process.

In one case, more information is needed before sending it to the Ethics Committee for review. In the other, the complainant and defendant - both Tradeloop members - are engaging in an ongoing discussion about the dispute, with Tradeloop's Ethics Coordinator moderating and offering information as needed. The Ethics blog format encourages and facilitates such communication. Often the parties are able to settle disputes without any review or intervention by the Ethics committee.

Communication is important when setting up deals and purchase agreements. We've found that many Ethics complaints are filed because there was a lack of communication between the parties in the beginning. Common disputes include:
  • Freight and handling costs: Always know how the product will be shipped to avoid unexpected shipping/freight charges.
  • Product condition: Get a complete description of the product before sending payment. Ask for or offer photos if needed.
  • Customs and tariffs: Make sure the seller understands international shipment requirements. Improper description, paperwork, and/or packaging can result in extra import costs.
Of course, many other Ethics disputes involve allegations of fraud and misrepresentation; we take those very seriously. Because the majority involve a Tradeloop member and non-member, we encourage Tradeloop members to look to the Tradeloop community first when buying and selling. Our member verification process helps us identify and block companies engaging in fraud, identity theft, or other attempts to mislead buyers and sellers.

Learn more about Ethics cases and about the Ethics process in general - at the Ethics area of the Tradeloop Web site.

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