Tradeloop's Member Blog And News: Easier Parts List Management For Your Company

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Easier Parts List Management For Your Company

Any full access user can edit or update parts lists for any user in your company. Previously, users within the same company could view other users' inventory, but couldn't edit their lists.

This change should simplify parts management for Tradeloop members who have an administrative person manage the parts lists for salespeople. It's also a useful feature in other situations:

· One user leaves the company.
· A user transfers some of his products to another user.
· When account assignments change between users in a company.
· A user is tired of getting calls or emails about a particular part or product that's no longer available.

To use this new feature, go to your "My Account" tab. Directly under the "Parts and More" column on the right, there's a drop-down box that lists all your company's users. Click on the link for their parts detail, and you can add/edit/delete parts from there.

Note that this option is limited to full users; "Read Only" users don't have the authority to modify any account.

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